Following is my presentation about the rhetoric of Spitfire Coffee in New Orleans, the methodology and much of the reflections in this presentation can be applied to other rhetorical places.
The presentation is divided into following topics of interest:
Rhetoric of Coffee, Space as protest, Economic Citizenship and Rhetoric of Sustainability
Please enjoy, and feel free to seek inspiration. Comments below post. Photos are all mine, please ask permission before using.
Also, see to it that you follow the correct coffee beans and water proportion. Putting too much water and little coffee beans in the coffee maker will certainly yield a poor and “weak” brew. A general rule when brewing is to put 2 tablespoons of grounded coffee beans for every 6 ounces of water.
Green coffee bean extract by far has become of the biggest news makers in the field of health and wellness today. It is considered by many as the total fat buster because of the various health benefits that it contains. It came from raw green coffee beans. Scientists have found out that raw green coffee beans contain an organic compound called Chlorogenic acid which could greatly affect your body’s metabolism.